Road Database

Maximize your efficiency with a reliable database!

Well maintained records are crucial for making  decisions, from daily to-do's to long term planning. The vialytics road database opens up new possibilities for professional road management.


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Smarter Planning

With a clean and up-to-date database, you can plan repair work in a targeted and efficient manner.


Better Oversight

Take a look at your database to determine current road conditions or planned renovation measures.

The Advantages


Monitor all roads in one system

Decision Making

Make quick and well-informed decisions


Individually configure your view for full control over your data


Our team is here to help you create your database and teach you to use the application efficiently and effectively.

With a comprehensive database, you always have a complete view of the roads you're responsible for.

See info on every road in your town

Catalog all roads and sections you're responsible for with assign properties. A strong data record helps you make important decisions when planning repairs.

Customizations for your roads

  • Define surface type, road classification and other properties independently and change them at any time

  • Find sections and roads easily using the search function

  • Add your own properties with just a few clicks



Adapt to your needs

Decide which data you want to display and use. Are there certain types of road in your municipality that are not under your responsibility? With just a few clicks, you can hide them from your assessment.


Tailor your view

  • Include or exclude roads and sections by surface type or classification

  • Individually select which road types are displayed

  • Exclude roads not in your responsibility from the rating


Handle it all

Maintain full control of all recorded roads and routes at all times. Is something not shown that is important for your work? With just a few clicks, you can configure the table according to your needs by adding new columns.

Highlight what's important to you

  • Customize table view

  • Add new properties and columns

  • Plan section repairs directly from the table




Want to create a road database and plan measures based on a comprehensive database?
Simply talk to our vialytics experts.

More Use Cases

Discover the many ways vialytics helps you and your municipality.